TOC & Intro (PDF)
Table of Contents
Book Index
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FFmpeg Basics
Multimedia handling with a fast
audio and video encoder

PDF Version

Price: $9.50

The book will try to make you familiar with FFmpeg tools that are used by Facebook, Google and many other companies. You will learn how to:
Book is printed in full color, contains over 100 tables and over 150 images including various diagrams and can be used both like a tutorial and reference. The brief content:
  1. FFmpeg Fundamentals
  2. Displaying Help and Features
  3. Bit Rate, Frame Rate and File Size
  4. Resizing and Scaling Video
  5. Cropping Video
  6. Padding Video
  7. Flipping and Rotating Video
  8. Blur, Sharpen and Other Denoising
  9. Overlay - Picture in Picture
  10. Adding Text on Video
  11. Conversion Between Formats
  12. Time Operations
  13. Mathematical Functions
  14. Metadata and Subtitles
  15. Image Processing
  16. Digital Audio
  17. Presets for Codecs
  18. Interlaced Video
  19. FFmpeg Components and Projects
  20. Microphone and Webcam
  21. Batch Files
  22. Color Corrections
  23. Advanced Techniques
  24. Video on Web
  25. Debugging and Tests
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